Monday, July 8, 2019

MAD is no more 😥

Mornings are very different for me depending on which day I wake up to. Today, after my morning routine, I started reading that Linkedin newsletter I get every day with the summary of whatever is going on (relevant stuff) on the world. Generally business stuff, today. The very first article was about MAD magazine, a 60+ years satirical publication is about to shut down original content and, eventually, stop production of original content entirely. Bummer!
The magazine will do reprints of old issues for now 😶 and will only be distributed based on a subscription system.

"I need to clarify the Mad rumors: Mad isn't shutting down but is only leaving the newsstand and will be sold to the direct market. The best thing to do is buy Mad and support it as much as possible, it's not going away," Mad contributor David DeGrand wrote.
MAD marked an epoch on my growing up, as well as on many many others. We hope this is not the end of it. Older Post

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